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Hello, I’m Jürgen, and I’ve journeyed through over 25 years of dynamic R&D and leadership roles. From early startup to IPO, from technology spin-off to subsidiary of a global US-based corporation, I’ve traversed the full spectrum – wearing hats from bench scientist to managing director. Throughout this journey, I’ve remained deeply rooted in technology, channeling my passion both professionally and through personal design projects.

My expertise orbits around scientific instrumentation and software, based on optical detection and advanced signal and image processing. Across diverse projects in Life Sciences and Diagnostics, from high-end lab equipment to low-cost consumer device concepts, I have seamlessly navigated between leading teams and shaping unique, differentiating technical solutions.

This brings me to the core of what I offer: problem-solving. Whether it’s creating a cohesive design from a systems perspective, advising on project strategy, or delving into the details of optics, electronics, and algorithms – based on my broad experience, I can provide solutions that matter.

Successful collaboration with your team is pivotal here. You set the goals and bring invaluable market and technology perspectives, while I provide my expertise in processes and technology, act as a mediator and coach to steer your team in the right direction, or get directly involved in technical feasibility and implementation tasks.

Based in Hamburg, Germany, I offer both on-site and remote collaboration options, adapting to your needs. I invite you to explore more about my background and the array of services I offer. Feel free to reach out!

How can I help?

Are you…

  • searching for the right balance in your product design? Balancing feature sets, performance, and costs while making smart technical trade-offs?
  • battling Hofstadter’s Law in your projects? You know, “It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.” ;-)
  • in need of broad, cross-discipline technical expertise to navigate unexpected project challenges?

I’m here to provide support across all stages of your instrument and software development project:

Systems Design

  • Take a cohesive, cross-discipline approach rather than settling for “design by committee.”
  • Gain clarity about technology options through technology surveys and assessments tailored to your project’s needs.
  • Manage risk through targeted feasibility studies.
  • Conduct design reviews to ensure the project is on track.

Project Management

  • Experience project planning and management that goes beyond bookkeeping. I collaborate closely with your project team.
  • Navigate projects with Agile, the structured waterfall method, or a hybrid approach.
  • Certified Professional Scrum Master for agile project management.

Implementation Hands-On

  • Hands-on development across these key areas:
    • Optics – Automated microscopy, fluorescence detection & imaging, single-photon detection, LED sources, and low-cost sensors.
    • Electronics – Prototyping, basic PCB layout, and digital technology focus.
    • Signal Processing – Filter design, correlation, image analysis; microcontroller, DSP, FPGA implementation.
    • Firmware – Expertise in STM32, Atmel/Microchip AVR, Embedded Linux systems, using C, C++, Python, and assembly language.
  • Coaching and directing your in-house teams or external contractors.

With every service I offer, my goal is to bring clarity, efficiency, and innovative solutions to your projects. Let’s team up to develop outstanding products!


PerkinElmer Inc./Revvity Inc.

Global provider of life science research and diagnostic solutions, 11 000 employees. German subsidiary with approx. 100 employees in R&D, product management, service and support.

  • Senior Director, Advanced Research & Technologies, 2020 – 2023
    Led an international cross-business R&D team of approx. 20 to drive internal early technology development, external technology evaluations, and establish new development approaches (AI, UX-based design).

  • Managing Director, Hamburg subsidiary, 2013 – 2020
    Took over Managing Director responsibility for the Hamburg site in addition to R&D role: Financial reporting, occupational health & safety responsibility, works council relations. Established ISO 9001 quality management for all site functions.

  • R&D Director, Imaging & Detection products, 2008 – 2020
    Led hardware and software development of optical instruments for the Life Sciences. Up to 100 reports in Hamburg, Boston area, and Chicago area. High Content Screening, Multimode Detection, In Vivo Imaging, Radiometric Detection.

  • R&D Program Leader, 2007 – 2008
    Responsible for all R&D projects, leading a team of project leaders. Head of Biological Applications and SQA teams. Introduced new structured product development process; transferred in-house instrument manufacturing to dedicated manufacturing site in UK.

Evotec Group

Life science technology and service provider, grew from approx. 70 to 250 employees during this period. IPO in 1998, technology development spun out in 2002 and acquired by PerkinElmer in 2007.

  • Vice President Core Technologies, 2002 – 2006
    Led the central R&D functions: Software, electronics development, opto-mechanics prototyping; approx. 20 engineers. Established cross-product technology platforms. Responsible for regulatory compliance, external R&D partners and manufacturing subcontractors.

  • Team Leader Optics Development, 1999 – 2001
    Led a team of 10 engineers and physicists; led instrument R&D projects. Development of high-content analysis and screening systems based on single-molecule and image-based fluorescence detection. Key Account Manager for a major pharma customer.

  • Research Scientist, Optics Development, 1997 – 1999
    Developed a novel bead-based drug screening approach. In charge of fundamental development and first demonstrator setup; project leader for development of pilot instruments.

Hagenuk Telecom

Manufacturer of telecommunication systems; approx. 1000 employees.

  • Software Engineer and Project Leader, 1996 – 1997
    Embedded software development for first ISDN data communication products.

Academic Education

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 1995 – 1996
    Developed highly multi-parallel light scattering device and detector to study glass transition. Co-led the research group after unexpected passing of professor.

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, RMIT University Melbourne/Australia, 1994
    Scholarship from German Research Council. Explored advanced light scattering and correlation techniques.

  • Visiting Scientist, Exxon Research & Engineering, Annandale/NJ, 1990
    Pilot use of self-developed high-speed digital correlator for single photon signals.

  • PhD Physics, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, 1990 – 1993
    Structure and dynamics of colloidal systems, using novel light scattering techniques.

  • Dipl. Physics (~ M.Sc.), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, 1983 – 1989
    Designed and built instrument for optical tracking of individual Brownian particles.


Please contact me for context on my past professional projects. What I can share is limited by confidentiality obligations, but we can certainly explore how my experience can benefit your needs.

My patents describe in depth some of the solutions I invented or co-invented.

For details on a selection of spare time projects, please visit my personal site!

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B2B Services Only

The consulting and development services offered on this web site are directed at business customers only. I do not provide products or services to consumers.

All materials on this website are protected by copyright, © 2023 Jürgen Müller unless otherwise noted. All rights, including reproduction, publication, editing and translation, are reserved.

Title photo Denny Müller
Icons by Uniconlabs - Flaticon
Website based on Hugo Scroll


plan + prototyp
Dr. Jürgen Müller

email   jm@plan-prototyp.de
phone +49 40 8819 0086
mobile +49 151 6849 6575

c/o IP Management #16680
Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 18
20459 Hamburg

VAT ID DE359275045